Thursday, July 4, 2019
Time | Event | |
14:00 - 15:55 | Session 1 (Amphi Alain Beretz) | |
14:00 - 14:15 | › Welcome - Daniel Huilier, ICube | |
14:15 - 14:40 | › Collective effects in settling spherical and non-spherical particles - Markus Uhlmann, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | |
14:40 - 15:05 | › History force on a fluid sphere (from particles to drops and bubbles) - Eric CLIMENT, Institut de mécanique des fluides de Toulouse | |
15:05 - 15:30 | › Sphere dans un tube : écoulements, instabilités et chute libre - Thibaut Deloze, Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie | |
15:30 - 15:55 | › Effect of the Mach number on the bifurcations of flow around a sphere - Eric Goncalves Da Silva, ENSMA | |
15:55 - 16:15 | Coffee break (Salle 0.01) | |
16:15 - 17:55 | Session 2 (Amphi Alain Beretz) | |
16:15 - 16:40 | › Electroactive morphing for the wings of the future design through turbulent wakes manipulation - Marianna Braza, IMFT | |
16:40 - 17:05 | › Instability of marine surface flows : Even no body is perfect, just a big bluff ! - Philippe Fraunié, Institut méditerranéen dócéanologie | |
17:05 - 17:30 | › Vortices in classical fluids and superfluid Bose-Einstein condensates: a numerical investigation - Ionut Danaila, Laboratoire de mathématiques Raphaël Salem | |
17:30 - 17:55 | › Feasibility of simulation of wakes and path instabilities of prolate objects - Jan Dusek, iCube |
Friday, July 5, 2019
Time | Event | |
09:00 - 10:40 | Session 3 (Amphi Alain Beretz) | |
09:00 - 09:25 | › Technological challenges for plasma-facing components - Bradut-Eugen Ghidersa, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | |
09:25 - 09:50 | › Fictitious domain for stabilization of fluid-structure interaction - Michel Fournié, IMT | |
09:50 - 10:15 | › Receptivity of spatially developing jet to stochastic perturbations - Abdelkader Saïdi, IRMA | |
10:15 - 10:40 | › Taylor vortices in thixotropic yield stress fluids according a structural parameter model - Mathieu Jenny, LEMTA | |
10:40 - 11:00 | Coffee break (Salle 0.01) | |
11:00 - 12:55 | Session 4 (Amphi Alain Beretz) | |
11:00 - 11:25 | › Vortex shedding behind spheres (and others 3D bodies) in rotation - Eduardo Wesfreid, laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes | |
11:25 - 11:40 | › Instability study of rising bubbles - Viswa Maitreyi MOTURI, Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie | |
11:40 - 12:05 | › Simulation of a settling sphere with heat and mass transfer applied to the investigation of secondary ice nucleation in the wake of a hailstone - Agathe Chouippe, KIT | |
12:05 - 12:30 | › What causes the drag enhancement of bodies settling in a stratified fluid - Jacques Magnaudet, IMFT | |
12:30 - 12:55 | › Freely falling / rising cylinders in a fluid at rest - Patricia Ern, IMFT | |
15:00 - 16:30 | Visit of the "Cave Historique des Hospices de Strasbourg" |